My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.
Discover how the crisis of a global pandemic allowed educators to improve learning across the pre-K–adult pipeline. While acknowledging the scale of loss and difficulty the Pandemic engendered within the field of education, this book focuses on how sudden and forced changes to teaching and learning created “Pandemic Positives,” which can be captured and brought to scale. Watch a video about the forthcoming book HERE.
This book explores how educational institutions have failed to recognize and effectively address the symptoms of… READ MORE
This powerful book explores how institutions of higher education can successfully serve students who have experienced poverty, toxic… READ MORE
Lady Lucy’s Quest is the story of a feisty young girl who wants to be a Knight in the Middle Ages. She confronts many hurdles but ultimately… READ MORE
Education happens in many places and spaces of which the classroom is but one.
Wrinkles Doesn’t Like Social Distancing; I Don’t Blame Him book By Karen Gross