My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.
Karen is based in Washington, D.C. and Gloucester, MA. Her latest book is Trauma Doesn’t Stop at the School Door: Strategies and Solutions for Educators, Pre K–College.
Karen is available for select speaking engagements, guest lectures and article contributions.
She welcomes conference invitations and media inquiries about her children’s book series, trauma and mental health issues in the Pre-Kindergarten through higher education environment, in addition to any other trauma-related matters including small and large scale incidents.
Please see the website’s “Speaking and Engagements” page for her current schedule.
Karen does her best to schedule as many events for children as possible where she reads from her trauma-sensitive, multi-cultural book series, Lady Lucy’s Quest.
Karen responds quickly to information requests and invites you to complete the form below.
Please call 917-363-4872 if you have an immediate need for commentary in print, or on radio, a podcast, or television.
To invite Karen for a speaking engagement or event, please be sure to include the name of the event, date, location and relevant website in the form so she can check her schedule before responding.