My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

Gloucester, MA – November 15, 2021 — Author and education consultant Karen Gross will be selling trauma supportive acrylic work on canvas and prints on canvas to benefit the Virtual Teachers’ Lounge ( a program that supports teachers.
Among the works being sold are her series of multimedia works called Don’t Erase Me – a Pop Art inspired series that use the pointed pink cap eraser suggesting that although erasing is useful for rubbing away errors in schoolwork, the issue is more complicated regarding personal stories and trauma in schools.
Links to all the work on sale may be found through the Facebook Marketplace associated with Karen’s professional page, located at and by searching Don’t Erase Me in the Facebook Marketplace. This special fundraiser runs through December 15.
View Karen’s signature piece You Can’t Erase Everything here:
View other works from the series here:
Mellow Yellow:
Mixed (Up) World:
For more information about Karen’s art, visit her Facebook page and her website
The Virtual Teachers’ Lounge is a project founded by Ed Wang PhD, Pat Neal, Sakina McGruder and Karen Gross in 2021. It was formed to assist educators as they navigate these troubled times. In the Virtual Teachers’ Lounge educators can share how they are managing with students, share best practices, and receive peer support. All of the sale proceeds of the art in the Marketplace on Facebook go to fund the VTL, the costs of which include technology, gift cards for participants, promotional efforts and outreach as well as programming and materials. None of the founders are paid for their/our services.
Contact: Karen Gross, 917-363-4872,
Author; Educational Commentator
Senior Counsel, Finn Partners
Washington, DC
Twitter: @KarenGrossEdu
917 363 4872