My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.
This powerful book explores how institutions of higher education can successfully serve students who have experienced poverty, toxic stress, trauma, or abuse. Introducing a new concept called “lasticity,” Karen Gross offers an approach to addressing inequities that focuses on the many positive attributes these students have acquired due to their low socioeconomic status (SES) and other life factors… READ MORE
This book explores how educational institutions have failed to recognize and effectively address the symptoms of trauma in students of all ages. Given the prevalence of traumatic events in our world, Gross argues that it is time for educational institutions and those who work within them to change their approaches and responses to traumatic symptoms that manifest in students in schools and colleges… READ MORE
Lady Lucy’s Quest is the story of a feisty young girl who wants to be a Knight in the Middle Ages. She confronts many hurdles but ultimately finds success because she is able to solve problems in unique and unexpected ways. Through her actions and words, she demonstrates the importance of pursuing one’s dreams and the power of the possible for children everywhere. One of the interesting features of Lady Lucy’s Quest, that often goes unremarked, is that the book is in part a tribute to a real person: Lady Lucy Duff-Gordon… READ MORE
Lady Lucy’s life as a Knight does not proceed as she anticipated. Rather than being welcomed into the Round Table, she is treated by the other Knights as an outsider. In a strange twist of fate, however, Lady Lucy saves her kingdom with the help of a creature that was much feared: a dragon. This chapter book, beautifully illustrated, shows the tenacity needed to change long existing societal beliefs and the benefits that come from exhibiting… READ MORE
Lady Lucy’s Ghost Quest is the 4th book in the Lady Lucy’s series about a multi-racial heroine who becomes a knight in the Middle Ages. In this beautifully illustrated sequel, Lady Lucy and her friends Dillon (the dragon) and Tapestry (the unicorn) travel all the way from England to Vermont to save a vacated but spectacular mansion occupied by ghosts. In a story filled with charm, humor and excitement, Lady Lucy demonstrates yet again the power… READ MORE
Lady Lucy’s Laugh Giraffe Journey is a fun, funny and fanciful joke book that showcases the principle: Laugh to Learn. First of all, giraffes are, by nature, funny creatures and so the jokes play off of the height of giraffes and their long long necks and their smiles and horns and friendly appearance. The book also showcases the myriad of ways artists have created giraffe sculptures, with wonderful photographs from the authors’ giraffe collection… READ MORE
This book was written to encourage a love of poetry in children (and their adult reading partners). The book promotes the realization that poems can be filled with humor, multiple meanings and reflect real life experiences through the lens of words and word play. The activities accompanying the poetry are designed to encourage imagination and creativity and add fun to the reading of poems. The examples provided are of activities… READ MORE
La Saga de la Señorita Sofía es la historia de una niña enérgica que deseaba ser un Caballero de la Edad Media. Se encuentra con muchos obstáculos, pero encuentra el éxito porque logra resolver problemas utilizando soluciones creativas e inesperadas. Con sus acciones y sus palabras muestra la importancia de perseguir metas y el poder de lo que es posible para niños en todo el mundo. Como Sofía, puedes comenzar una saga en este libro de actividades… READ MORE