My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

Pre-Pandemic, I spent much of my time at disaster sites, helping students, educators and institutions find pathways forward following a traumatic event. Whether it was a concert massacre or a border detention facility or a school shooting, I worked with individuals and organizations where trauma abounded. One lesson I learned was that to do this …
Last night, with simple but profound words and 400 candles, we honored the 400,000 plus Americans who died from the Pandemic. During the preceding months, we never honored those whom COVID attacked; we failed them — until now. And moving forward, our work is before us.
I recently published this piece on how to revamp education. Hit the link below. CoFoundersTown For me, the key is not what content we should offer to students of all ages and stages. The key is not what tests we need to give to students of all ages and stages. The key is not what …
In Japanese culture, there is a tradition that when things break, they are not discarded. They are repaired with gold and accompanied with the phrase: More Beautiful for Being Broken. Hold that thought. School Reopening Confusion (to state it nicely) There is deep confusion about schools reopening this fall. Some schools are doing totally online …
This is the official Virtual Launch of Karen Gross’ new book, Trauma Doesn’t Stop at the School Door: Strategies and Solutions for Educators PreK-College, released by TCPress on June 19, 2020. Join us for a panel discussion and giveaways! The Zoom launch will have a 30-minute panel discussion of this new book and its potential to …
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