My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

This is the official Virtual Launch of Karen Gross’ new book, Trauma Doesn’t Stop at the School Door: Strategies and Solutions for Educators PreK-College, released by TCPress on June 19, 2020.
Join us for a panel discussion and giveaways!
The Zoom launch will have a 30-minute panel discussion of this new book and its potential to facilitate student success. Event will be hosted by Brian Ellerbeck, the Acquisitions Editor at TC Press. Panelists will be Marie Cini, Allyson Hoffman and Gill Hunter, each extraordinary educators representing different segments of the academic pipeline from elementary school to adult education.
Three copies of Trauma Doesn’t Stop will be given to 3 attendees based on a random drawing and 10 takeaway gifts will be sent to the first 10 people signing into the Zoom book launch. The author will introduce the panel and will be available for informal chat time during the Zoom launch. We look forward to this launch on Zoom and to sharing this important new and timely book with you all. See you on June 22nd (a Monday) at 5:00 EST.
Hosted by Teachers College Press and Karen Gross
(917) 363-4872
The book is available for pre-sale at and other locations. Official pub date is June 19, 2020:
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