My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

Pre-Pandemic, I spent much of my time at disaster sites, helping students, educators and institutions find pathways forward following a traumatic event. Whether it was a concert massacre or a border detention facility or a school shooting, I worked with individuals and organizations where trauma abounded. One lesson I learned was that to do this …
The Arts & Humanities Jury of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is pleased to announce the publication of ‘Plated Pair of Pears’ by Karen Gross in the DKG Gallery of Fine Arts, an online gallery of works of art and letters at Karen Gross, a resident of Boston, Mass. And Washington D.C. is …
Author and educator Karen Gross has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the Mass Cultural Council. With the grant, Karen will be leading trauma recovery projects with students and educators in Boston and Danvers public schools. Mass Cultural Council’s Cultural Sector Recovery Grants for Individuals offers unrestricted grants of $5,000 to creatives and gig workers …
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I have been approached by many people recently about dysregulation. Students are dysregulating. So are educators. So are parents. So are families. So are individuals in relationships. So are workers. So are travelers. So are drivers of vehicles. So are folks across our nation. Look at the above image. On the left side at the …
Karen Gross of Gloucester, MA (1st row, 2nd from left) joined the U.S. Army War College student body for the National Security Seminar, June 5-9, 2022. Selected representatives from across the United States were invited to join the graduate-level seminar and exchange thoughts about national security topics in the capstone phase of the USAWC graduate …
Karen Gross’ books … leave you hanging on every word. She always captures you, embraces you, educates you and leaves you with a huge smile on your face with a sense of understanding and total glee.” — Jackie Coogan, Adjunct Faculty, Bunker Hill Community College, Spring 2022 BOSTON, MA, USA, June 22, 2022 / — …
When Morgan the Horse is Gifted to Lady Lucy’s Team They Begin a Quest to Free Trapped Horses to Lift the Town’s Spirits Gloucester, MA – January 18, 2022 — A timely new book in the Lady Lucy children’s book series, author Karen Gross has written a story that enables children to see how teamwork …
Karen Gross Creates Multimedia Work That Acknowledges Trauma Through Her “Don’t Erase Me” series Gloucester, MA – November 15, 2021 — Author and education consultant Karen Gross will be selling trauma supportive acrylic work on canvas and prints on canvas to benefit the Virtual Teachers’ Lounge ( a program that supports teachers. Among the works …
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Recent students are identifying how many children lost parents and guardians and primary caregivers during the Pandemic across the globe. By any measure, the numbers are staggering. If you add in the number of grandparents and relatives and educators who have died, many children will have experienced death during the past 18 months (and that …
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