My work is focused on solutions to help students, educators and their institutions to thrive, not just survive.

Karen Gross’ books … leave you hanging on every word. She always captures you, embraces you, educates you and leaves you with a huge smile on your face with a sense of understanding and total glee.” — Jackie Coogan, Adjunct Faculty, Bunker Hill Community College, Spring 2022 BOSTON, MA, USA, June 22, 2022 / — …
When Morgan the Horse is Gifted to Lady Lucy’s Team They Begin a Quest to Free Trapped Horses to Lift the Town’s Spirits Gloucester, MA – January 18, 2022 — A timely new book in the Lady Lucy children’s book series, author Karen Gross has written a story that enables children to see how teamwork …
I have been privileged over the years to get wonderful reviews of my adult and children’s books. (Yes, there were a few really nasty ones for a book released in 1997 — and there is one reviewer with whom I have simply agreed to disagree.) Reviews are often general and not personal to the reviewer …
Continue reading “Sometimes, You Get a Book Review that Truly Hits Home”
Holidays are hard for many generally and now specifically. So, here’s something to try whether you are near or far, in person or remote: Tongue twisters! Yes, really. They have a long educational history. They promote learning and enunciation. They build vocabulary. They showcase mistake making and trying again. They enable laughter among young and …
Continue reading “A Fun Strategy for Families/Friends During Holiday”